ClientDepartment of Transport and Main Roads
DurationFebruary 2023 to October 2023
This project will increase storage capacity at intersections and improve pedestrian access at multiple sites.
TMR awarded Mcilwain the Rockhampton Bruce Highway Intersection Upgrade Project in November 2022. The project involves the upgrading of pedestrian and cyclist facilities across four sites within Rockhampton as well as improvements to intersection safety and capacity. Additional signalised pedestrian crossings will be incorporated into the intersections of the Bruce Highway with Derby Street, Knight Street, River Rose Drive and Carlton Street. Extended right turn lanes will also be provided at Derby Street, William Street and Farm Street.
The project also incorporates a new shared path from Farm Street to Carlton Street along the Bruce Highway including pedestrian bridge over Splitters Creek, formalised heavy vehicle stopping place, upgraded bus stops and new watermain and drainage infrastructure.
The scope of this project included:
Installation of drainage extensions and new longitudinal drainage ranging from 375RCP to 1200RCP & two RCBC culverts
Installation of 600mm watermain road crossing including live connection works
Supply and installation of new 24m span pedestrian bridge
Signal upgrades to four intersections including addition of signalised pedestrian crossings
Construction of lightly bound, unbound and asphalt pavements
Kerb and median infill works
Construction of footpaths and shared paths
Road lighting modifications