Recently, McIlwain held a breakfast to congratulate and celebrate the training achievements of our staff who have been upskilling through 2022. In particular, the completion of their Certificate IIIs, IVs, and Diplomas.
These training opportunities were made possible through our partnership with CSQ - Construction Skills Queensland and the Construction Skills Queensland initiative.
Michael Johnston – Certificate III in Civil Construction (Road Construction and Maintenance). Michael is now studying a Cert IV Supervision.
Craig Irvine - Certificate IV and Diploma in Building and Construction (Building). Craig has received his low-rise and medium-rise builders’ licences through completion of his training.
Scott Bohm - Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision. Scott is now studying a Diploma of Civil Construction Management.
Paraic Jordan – Diploma of Civil Construction Management. Paraic now holds three Diplomas.
Stuart Bell – Diploma of Civil Construction Management. Stuart now holds two Certificate IIIs, a Certificate IV, and a Diploma.
McIlwain is committed to encouraging and supporting continuous learning and skill development for all employees.
Please help us in congratulating these staff for their amazing achievements.